Torch Lake Conservation

When you come to Torch Lake and gaze across the clear water and smell the crisp white cedar and yellow birch trees, there is a spirit that resides here and it invites your soul to take rest. Being on Torch Lake allows you abundant opportunity to receive the healing gifts Mother Nature has to offer. Through nature, you are able to be more connected to the Earth, to your family, and to yourself.
I believe each of us has a right to health and happiness, and part of our responsibility as stewards of this land is to extend those same principles to the Earth. We can only enjoy the lake when we care for her, and we do that by treating her responsibly. In order to understand what the Earth needs, we must tune our ears to hear.
Conservation of the watershed requires each of us to do our part to ensure the future water quality is preserved for generations to come. Thoughtless practices of littering, fertilization, and destroying grasslands that protect the water quality have lasting effects on the watershed. Information plays a major role in educating people on the consequences of their thoughtless habits.
There are several organizations that have dedicated their efforts to the education of the public and preservation of Torch Lake including:
And of course, the hundreds of individual citizens who support their time, effort, and generous donations to these organizations.
I have compiled a book about this magnificent lake. This book is a small collection of fellow business owners and dedicated community members who embody the spirit of Torch Lake. Each has committed themselves and their work to the mores and values of this land. Together, we will continue to nurture an origination of people who lovingly participate in building a culture of conservation and community.