A 10 minute meditation for March 23! Here it is.
Meditation Diary 3/2/22
Wednesday brings us a new moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter. That is to say that Wednesday is a great time for us to plant the seeds of peace and healing that we wish to expand. Each week in our meditation, we take a moment to tend to our own energetic hygiene, that is like a bath for your aura. More and more people are gaining awareness of their energetic bodies and how the astrological weather and the mood of others can really affect us.

The Jupiter from space showing all they beauty. Extremely detailed image, including elements furnished by NASA. Other orientations and planets available.
Meditation Diary 1/19/22
The moon cycle is one that can help us create a more natural rhythm to our weeks and months. Are you struggling to let go of old ideas, relationships, mental loops that you have retired but still sort of carry around? This full moon will help with emotional release but it is up to each of us to have the self awareness to see that we have become a little too used to carrying around unnecessary loads. I invite you to respond or journal on: What can you put down?
If you find yourself unsure of how or where to let go I invite you to join in mediation.

Meditation Diary January 12, 2022
Any marathon runners among us? Does it feel like we are at mile 25 and just realized it is a century race?
How have you managed the most recent round of shakedowns and take-downs, closures and quarantine?
My inboxes in inundated with positive hyped up go-go-go messages and I am here to say shhhh. It is still a time of rest and hibernation if you need it to be.
Spring is not yet around the corner but we will endure and utilize the winter to build up our reserves.

Brown bear (Ursus arctos) looks out of its den in the woods under a large rock in winter
Meditation Diary January 5, 2022
Hello friends! Happy new moon in Capricorn, a great time indeed to set some intentions for the coming month but hold your horses on those New Year’s resolutions. We find ourselves in a culture of time that trades hours for dollars, it leads to our unhealthy relationship to money and the view that people are worth what they can produce.
This is a stressful way to be in life and today’s newsletter is an invitation to see things differently.
You can relate to time differently if you like. I understand that this might be a radical idea and one you have yet to consider but it is possible.